Extranet Training
Did you know over 1,000 tourists and residents view the Visit SoSi website each week? Take control of your listing and feature your business at VisitSoSi.com through the extranet portal!
This software will optimize your Visit SoSi tourism partnership by helping you stay current on your account details, including the following:
- Feature special offers, sales, coupons, and promotions
- Promote upcoming events and festivals
- Highlight custom photography, media, and account information
- Explore Requests for Proposals created by the Visit SoSi team
- Communicate with other Visit SoSi businesses
- Order Visit SoSi Visitor Guides to display and distribute
The extranet will also give you insights into reporting and tracking from Visit SoSi and offers you the ability to receive notifications and announcements regarding upcoming initiatives and regional events.
Need an Extranet Account? If you do not have an account and need login information, e-mail info@visitsosi.com or reach out to Tourism Sales Coordinator, Aliki Leonard, at aliki.leonard@visitsosi.com or 434.793.1753. and we'll help you get started.
You can also watch this video of a recorded virtual training session.
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Extranet Training Guide: The following documents serve as a helpful guide when using the Partner Extranet/Portal.